What is bullying?

A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

How often does it happen?

Statistics say that 1 out of 4 students are bullied. 77% of students are bullied mentally, verbally, and physically. 14% of those who were bullied said they experienced severe reactions of abuse

Other Info

In America, 39% percent of parents with a child in grade six or higher admit they worry about their child's safety. 10% of students said they have been bullied, but not bullied other students. 8% of students miss one period a month because of their fear of bullies. 1 out of 5 people admit that they have done some bullying at school. 43% of  harassment happens in the bathroom as school.

Nature of bullying

Bullies can be created because they may see other people bullying somebody, so they do it too. Bullies usually don't stop unless somebody makes them, and they always tend to pick on easy victims.

Why do people become bullies?

Most bullies might do it just because they like the feeling of making a child feel scared. Other bullies do it because they want to stand out. Bullies sometimes have problems at home that cause them to act mean at school. They might have a bad influence. A lot of bullies also do it because they want to feel better about themselves. A bullies target is usually somebody that is weak or somebody that they are jealous of.

What types of bullying are there?

  • Physical bullying: Hitting, spitting, throwing things or pushing.     Verbal bullying: Verbal insults, name calling, racist or sexist remarks, persuading another person to do insult someone, , spreading malicious rumors, and obvious whispering.
  • Indirect bullying: Threatening and obscene gestures, intimidation, intimidation by staring and 'dirty looks', sending nasty or threatening text with text or e-mail messages.
  • Cyber bullying: Internet- either by e-mail or 'site victimization'.
  • Homophobic bullying: verbally abusing, name calling, shouts of abuse, isolation, texting and e-mails because of somebody's sexual orientation.

What are bullies like?

Bullies are usually people that take joy in harming others. They are influenced by video games and bad people that encourage them to do bad things

Who can you go to for help?

If you are being bullied or see somebody being bullied, you should immediately go to an responsible adult that you can trust, including parents, teachers, or counselors.

How can you avoid being bullied?

If you think a bully feels intimidated by you and you know that he bullies other children you should go to a teacher and tell them about it. 
